Drop Your High Interest Credit Card Rate
Convert your high interest credit card from another institution to a fixed rate loan at BHCEFCU
- Based on Credit Score
- BHCEFCU Credit Cards do not qualify
- Loan must be in good standing
- Rate based on automatic payments
- No current delinquencies, charge-off or collections
- Floor of 7.99%
Holiday Loan
Wrap up your holiday shopping early with a $2000 loan
- 6.99% APR, 12 month term
- New loans (No refinancing)
- Rate base on automatic payments
- No current delinquencies, charge off or collections
- Offer valid from November - February
Skip a payment
Can’t make the next payment? We can help. Give us a call.
- Skip one full loan payment after six monthly payments ​
- All Accounts, primary and joint, including savings, checking, and loans must be current. You must have a history of at least 6 consecutive months of on-time payments with no past due amounts
- All responsible parties indicated on the original note/security agreement must sign this amendment before approval.
- The following loans do not qualify: MasterCard, Real Estate, Overdraft Protection, Work-Out and Line of Credit
No Monthly Service Fee Free Checking Account
What is your checking account costing you? Try our no monthly service fee free checking account.
- No minimum balance requirment
- No direct Deposit requirement
- No monthly Debit Card fee
- Friendy staff who welcomes you by name
- 28,000+ nationwide free ATM network
- Plus 0.5% APY* on balance over $250 on your Saving Account
- Any Beverly Hills City Employee and their immediate family or household member can join
- Visit us or go online to to open your free checking account today!